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With most of us exercising is a chore. It takes up much of our time hence sometimes it forces us to buy gym membership and you probably need to move around in front of lots of people in the way you don’t really want and that can be disgusting.
With that it makes Sunny Health & Fitness Twister Stepper a perfect choice for your home fitness and weight loss program. With it you don’t need a lot of room, you can exercise in front of your Television to take away the boredom of taking your fitness alone.
Product Highlights
Twisting action tones buttocks and thigh muscles Works deep muscles without over-stressing bones. It gives joints Adjustable resistance for variable workout intensity Exercise bands add upper-body workout With it is the oversized footplates with slip-resistant surface for safe workout Heavy-duty steel construction Built-in computer with LCD display showing count, total count, scan, time, and calories
Sunny Health & Fitness Twister Stepper suppliers are committed to excellence and stand behind the quality of every one of their products, Sunny Health & Fitness has become one of the fastest-growing companies in the market. Moves up and down with a side-to-side action. Heavy-duty steel construction. Exercise bands provide upper-body workout.
What we liked about it
- Very light and compact
- Exercise bands with soft, comfortable, foam padded handles
- Has a micro adjustment resistance knob
- Digital Display to Keep track of your fitness goals and progressions
- Heavy-duty steel construction provides years of reliable use
What we didn’t like about it
- The step feels like baby steps. Not horrible, but it is worth noting
- The instructions say to limit workouts to 10-15 mins
Our opinion
The Sunny Health & Fitness Twister Stepper is a budget priced piece of exercise equipment that provides an efficient and low impact cardio and muscle toning workout. This is a few dollars cheaper than most versions, but this little machine really gives you a kick in the butt workout because of the addition of resistance bands. Resistance bands are very strong rubber bands that simulate exercises you can do with a set of dumbbells.
Move up and down with side-to-side action with the Sunny Health & Fitness Twister Stepper. This Twister Stepper has a adjustable resistance to work your deep muscles without putting extreme pressure on bones and joints. The twist action on this Stepper also helps to tone the glutes and thighs while the attached resistant bands will help work your upper body. The LCD display console will help you keep track of Time, Calories, Rep Count, and Total Count.
Recommended Configuration