Flowtron Bug Zapper Review

Flowtron BK-15D Insect Killer
The Flowtron Bug Zapper is an efficient device that does a fine job attracting and killing insects, and comes in an attractive, durable construction.
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For any beautiful home, a garden gives 70% of its beauty. Most of them need good care and protection from insects and pests; insects stand out to be the number one agents which affect our beautiful gardens. The Hence Flowtron Bug Zapper is a great outdoors insect catcher, that offers up to 1-acre coverage.

 Doing something about the insect issue is of utmost importance for a variety of reasons, from health and sanitation to general ambiance and overall peace of mind.

Anyone who’s ever had to deal with an insect infestation knows that the right electric insect killer can make all the difference. And yet, zeroing in on an effective electric insect killer can be quite a challenge.

Product Highlights

  • Has advanced electronic insect control.
  • It has non clogging killing grid.
  • It covers 1/2-acre killing radius area.
  • Recommended not to be used within 25-feet of area intended for human activity, should not be attached to house or deck or other structures
  • Instantaneous operation, continuous and uninterrupted service, Uses a 15-watt bulb.
  • The cartridge needs to be replaced after every 30 days
  • It has a User manual for troubleshooting and its corrections.
  • Item dimensions 13x 9.25 inches
  • Item weight 4.2 pounds


Flowtron’s lantern-style insect killer uses nontoxic ultraviolet light to eliminate mosquitoes, biting flies, and other insects over a 1/2-acre area. The insect killer is cleaner and safer than its chemical counterparts, and its patented non clogging killing grid eliminates the grid clogging that can short-circuit the unit or cause flare-ups of insect remains. The insect killer features high-impact construction and a protective outer enclosure to prevent children, pets, birds, or wildlife from contacting the charged grid.

You will need a grounded extension cord to be used by Flowtron Bug Zapper for most of the points of placement are at a distance from the electrical source.

There are several different versions of this product, each one for increasingly large areas. This one the smallest is good for up to half an acre of protection. It’s the perfect size for a large patio or deck and a modest lawn.

As always, it’s important to follow manufacturers’ instructions to get the best, safest usage out of the product. Maintain a ‘clear zone’ of 25 feet for any area used by people or pets. Don’t attach the electric insect killer to or hang it from any part of the house. You don’t want to get caught up in the swarm of insects flying towards the device, nor in the wake of the zapping activity.

To get the best results out of the Flowtron Bug Zapper, keep it close to the place where you observe the highest population of insects regularly. There’s no need to try to trick the pests to fly towards the device: they’re going to be attracted to it anyway. So, you don’t need to use subterfuge to get this thing to work. Don’t try to disguise or hide it in any way. Hang the electric insect killer at a height of about 4 to 6 feet to catch the maximum amount of flying insects and let it works its magic.

Flowtron Bug Zapper Review main


What really sets this particular electric insect killer apart from others in the market is its unique non-clogging trapping grid. If you’ve ever used insect killers before you must have seen how quickly the filters get crusted over with dirt, debris and dead insects. The minute the killing grid gets caked over (and it usually happens fast) the machine stops working for cleaning to take place.

It works well, is significantly larger than most 15 watt unit though the transformer hum is a little bit louder

With the addition of an (included) strip of UV-activated bait, it’s positively lethal against mosquitoes. It is found it to be much more effective than citronella torches.

It is energy efficient.


Be advised that these things do not discriminate between beneficial bugs that we need for pollination of plants and such. Therefore, there is valid scientific criticism regarding their indiscriminate outdoor usage. Any bug inside my home is fair game. It did not zap every last bug but it has put a big dent in my bug population.

Some may not like the zapping sound interrupting their nighttime outdoor fun.

The other thing that mars this otherwise excellent device is the need to place it in front of the area you mean to protect. This would typically mean placing it away from a house, not next to it. Depending on your particular site, this can mean using extension cords, which come with their own set of safety issues.

 Flowtron Bug Zapper Review

If you’ve got a lot of ground to cover and using devices like an electric fly swatter or a regular insect killer lamp is practically unfeasible, the Flowtron Bug Zapper might be just the thing you need. That said, if you’re looking for something affordable for indoor use, the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap is agreat choice, too.

Flowtron BK-15D Electronic Insect Killer, 1/2 Acre Coverage

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