Gaming Desktops

MSI Aegis RS Review (12TG-284US)

Given the high prices of graphics cards right now, buying a prebuilt gaming desktop like the MSI Aegis RS seems like the only reasonable...

CyberpowerPC GXiVR8080A28 Review

The CyberpowerPC GXiVR8080A28 is hands-down one of the best custom-built PCs you’re going to find anywhere, no matter your budget, and we’d argue it...

HP Pavilion TG01-1120 Review

The HP Pavilion line is designed for busy homes and schools, which means these PCs pack solid components, have a straightforward design and have...

CyberpowerPC GXiVR8480A11 Review

The CyberpowerPC Gamer Xtreme VR is hands-down one of the best pre-built gaming PCs you’re going to find in the market, no matter your...

iBUYPOWER SlateMR 215a Review

Prebuilt gaming PCs like the iBUYPOWER SlateMR 215a are just getting more important, especially when you consider that PC components gamers need to DIY...

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